Aromatherapy Course Online - oils as medicine

Who doesn’t love essential oils? They help make everything smell amazing and even take the edge off at night when the monkey mind is in full swing and all you want is a restful night.

Did you know that there is ample research supporting essential oils in mental health issues like anxiety and depression?

What if I told you that knowing how to select and blend just a handful of oils will have you more relaxed, and at ease, so that you can concentrate and be more productive? Essential oils have for many years been used as a very powerful plant medicine.


If you’ve only ever seen your oils for their smelly power, this course is ideal for understanding their healing power.

Learn how to better manage your state of mind, ideal if you’re a yoga teacher, therapist, parent wishing to support your family and community through plant medicine.

Aromatherapy for Mental Health


You may well already have a number of essential oils tucked away in your home that you use for making the house smell nice, but do you feel confident using them for their therapeutic capacity?

Essential oils are the most potent form of plant medicine we have. So potent in fact that they often come with warning labels.

Research has shown that blending different oils together can result in an entirely new molecular compositions where the sum is greater than the parts. Learning which oils to blend and how is key.

Eugenol found in clove essential is known to promote balance in mood and reduce the stress response in the brain, a 2015 study found that it helped to maintain normal gut function even during stressful periods.

Clove when blended with other oils can help shift your nervous system function to a parasympathetic state (rest and digest) and ease the fight or flight mode.

You’ve probably got a small bottle of lavender tucked away and I’ll ask you to dig out your essential oil treasure trove for this course so we can have a play together, but we will go beyond your lavender and eucalyptus oils and take a deep dive into a dozen oils that have been found to have a direct impact on your brain, nervous system and mental health.

In this course we will look at:

Week One:

Essential oils for anxiety

Essential oils for sleep and anxiety at bed time

Week Two:

Essential oils for depression or low mood

Application of oils in yoga and meditation.

Week Three:

Essential oils for trauma and releasing stagnant tension

Week Four

Essential oils for improving focus and learning

Essential oils for boosting confidence and self belief

Essential oils as Medicine

In this 4 week aromatherapy course held entirely online I will arm you with information on:

  • Top 12 essential oils for mental health (providing some of the research articles supporting their use)

  • Learn how essential oils impact the brain.

  • Specific essential oil recipes, how and when to use them (this goes well beyond the oil burner)

  • The key acu-points for optimum action and absorption of the essential oils.

  • How to choose and use carrier oils

  • When and how to use essential oils neat on your body

  • Cautions and contra-indications for essential oils covered in this course

  • Handouts on each of the essential oils in your pack and their therapeutic applications.

  • How to use essential oils as part of your meditation or yoga practice.

  • Q & A sessions at the end of each class.

You will have the opportunity to make 2 therapeutic essential oil blends that you will be able to use for improving your mental health. You’ll have recipes for many more.

This short aromatherapy course is the perfect opportunity to empower yourself so that you have tools to manage the stress and overwhelm we’re currently faced with everyday.

Aromatherapy classes are all held online!

When: 7.30pm Starting June 8th - Every Wednesday for 4 weeks  (60minutes each session)

Where: Zoom link will be sent prior to our fist session. Take part in the comfort of your own home.

Cost: Course + Essential oil pack = $219.     


The course alone = $119

Your own essential oil dispensary pack:

  1. Clove*

  2. Lime*

  3. Roman Chamomile*

  4. Cypress*

  5. Rosemary

  6. Tarragon

  7. Ylang Ylang*

  8. Cistus*

  9. 2 x 20ml roll on vials for essential oil blends

  10. 50mls of jojoba oil for blends

Essential oil pack- Each essential oil is 5ml- Organic is indicated with *

As mentioned above you can take part in the course with or without the essential oil pack. However you may wish to apply your knowledge once you’ve learnt it and having the oils will assist in developing your relationship with using them.

**Additional cost: You will need to cover postage of the oils via registered post to your address. If you would like an estimate on cost please fill out the contact form and I’ll let you know how much that is.

Spots will be limited so that I am able to support the group and address relevant questions.

If you happen to miss a session please don’t fret the recording will be made available to you after the session is complete.

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is also sometimes a matter of opportunity.”


Essential oils for health

A final note on the power of essential oils…

One animal study published in 2020 found that using Rosemary, and lemon in the evening and Orange and lavender in the day time changed brain markers in mice with Alzheimers. To review the article head across to this link.

Essential oils can change your brain! The research supports the application of Essential oils in Alzheimer’s, Dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Who’s teaching this Short course?

I’m a naturopath and herbalist that’s very passionate about all things health and healing.

I’ve completed a bachelor of health science (University of New England)

An Advanced Diploma of Herbal Medicine (ACNT)

An Advanced Diploma of Naturopath (ACNT)

A Postgraduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy

Most importantly I’ve experienced the healing power of natural medicines myself, having struggled with Chronic fatigue syndrome and all of the issues that come with having a chronic illness.

It was through natural medicine and yoga that I found my way back to health and vitality.

Now I work to empower others to take their health into their own hands and use the power of nature to heal.

If you’d like to join me for this short four week course please fill out the form below and let me know so that I can secure a spot for you!