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Are you struggling with...

Managing your weight

Feeling exhausted

Issues sleeping

Irregular appetite

Mood swings/ Brain Fog

Heart palpitations

Hair loss/ Weak nails/ Blotchy skin

There are two main groups of thyroid patients that come to see me:

All of the above are associated with thyroid issues.

If you’ve had your TSH tested and it’s come back normal this marker isn’t looking at the whole picture, you may need to dig a little deeper with specific testing.

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Some of my beautiful clients that I’ve worked with…



Thyroid and Autoimmunity

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Autoimmunity is on the rise and the thyroid is the most common organ in the body to be impacted by autoimmunity.

One in ten women will be diagnosed with a thyroid autoimmune issue.

You can start experiencing thyroid symptoms before your general pathology shows there is a problem.

I can refer you for in-depth thyroid testing to uncover potential subclinical thyroid issues, these tests go beyond your standard thyroid testing helping you get a better idea of what’s going on.

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Your thyroid may be impacting your ability to fall pregnant

Your ability to loose weight

Your energy and ability to get through the day

Seek out naturopathic support it can make a world of difference


 Proper testing may uncover a subclinical thyroid issue. Identifying it and addressing it early can save you years of struggle.

Iodine deficiency is so common in Australia that our government is fortifying our foods with this mineral. It is one of the key minerals needed to make thyroid hormone…Are you getting enough? Have the testing you need to find out.

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How does it work?


The Process







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What is naturopathy?

This is an umbrella term that cover several modalities like: Western Herbal Medicine, Nutritional therapy, Homeopathy and Yoga Therapy.

There is now much scientific evidence to support the use of complementary medicine to bring about more balance in the body and mind.

Do I have to have extensive testing?

I only run testing when it's indicated, after doing a full case history and understanding your unique health situation we can discuss any relevant tests and if they will benefit you.

What if my previous testing has come up clear?

Please bring your previous test resutls into your initial consultaion. This will greatly is unpicking your unique health issues.

I'm already on thyroid medication but still feel rubbish?

This is not all that uncommon with many of my clients coming to see me still having symptoms despite being on thryoid treatment. There is a lot we can do to support thyroid health.

Does the program involve strict meal plans and diets?

This is a custom tailored approach to health. There is no one single thyroid diet or meal plan that suits everyone we must work together to find what's best for you and what triggers you.

I've been to a naturopath before, they had me on a very strict diet... I lasted two months!

I don't prescribe protocols that aren't going to fit in with your lifestyle and aren't sustainable. Slow and steady wins the race. Weight will start to come off once we help balance hormones NOT calories. I never ask clients to calorie count.

Who would benefit from working with you?

I strive to really support my patients throughout their healing journey. We work together as a team to really make sustainable but powerful changes.

This is not a quick fix, however the results are worth the time and effort. Especially if you've been struggling for a while.

How many sessions will I need?

Typically 4-8 sessions. First two are a fortnight apart generally and then we can meet monthly for a few months. To ensure we're implimenting the program and making headway.

I have health packages available to make this process affordable.

What results can I expect to see?

This is different for everyone, and largely depends on what your health goals are. At the end of your first session with me we will have a general plan in place for where we're going and how we're going to get then.

How much am I up for?

Initial consultations are 60 minutes = $160

You can choose to go ahead with multiple session packages for $440 if you'd like moving forward.

How do I book my sessions?

You can also email me questions and request bookings at

You are also welcome to book a complimentary call with me, to discuss your unique concerns and health issues.

Where are the sessions conducted?

You have a choice sessions are either:

Conducted online via secure Telehealth video conferencing. You will be emailed the link there is no need to download any software simply click on the link on any device and we're away!

Face to face sessions are held in Sydney at Potts Point.

Do you conduct pathology testing?

Depending on the condition and concerns I do often refer for functional pathology testing, so that we can get clear parameters for nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities and other factors currently affecting your health.

Some of these tests may be conducted via your GP. It may also be something that is an additional cost and done through private labs and is not covered by Medicare.

Can I claim on my private health cover?

You need to check with your private health cover on this one.

I'm booking from another time zone?

The calendar will show availablities in your time zone, with all confirmation correspondance being in my time AEDT.

How will I get my herbal medicine and supplements

They are then paid for by you and delivered directly to your door, generally within two days of your consultations.

I'm struggling with multiple chronic health issues, what do I do?

This is often the case. The body is connected, one system impacts another and so on. Most of my clients have a combination of health issues they're struggling to deal with. We can work togehter slowly to gain some improvements.

Will what you prescribe impact my pharmaceutical medications?

I have completed many years of formal training, and now lecture in naturopathic medicine. I am well aware of contra-indicated to your pharmaceuticals. I happily work alongside GP's and endocrinologists to ensure better outcomes.

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