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naturopathic support for your gut

Do you struggle with inconsistent bowel movements that have you slightly anxious about when and how you’ll get to the bathroom?

Are you over feeling bloated and struggling to identify the food that is triggering your gut issues?

I can help with…




#Pain and cramping

#Food allergies and intolerances


#Parasitic infections

#Microbiome imbalances

#Leaky gut

#Inflammation & Crohn’s

#Brain Fog associated with poor gut

#Poor energy & Digestion



#Candida- Yeast Infections



Clients I’ve supported

To find out more about how we can help with your digestive issues book your complimentary 15 minute call today.



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Natural support for ibs


Did you know that many health issues have a connection to poor gut function, including immunity issues, skin problems, and brain function?

Inflammation in the gut compromises your ability to break down food, absorb and utilise essential nutrients. Leading to nutrient deficiencies like anaemia.

As a naturopath for gut health, the focus is always on healing and promoting optimum micro-biotic function so that you can enjoy your meals without the pain and discomfort.

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 naturopath for gut health what we’ll look at…


 “What Should I Eat?”

Is getting a handle on your food sensitivities starting to feel like getting a cat in a bag?

Take the guesswork out with comprehensive food sensitivity testing!

We have access to functional pathology testing, which allows us to test exactly which foods you’re sensitive or allergic to. You can be tested for over 200 different foods.

Taking the guesswork out of your food sensitivities and running proper testing significantly reduces symptoms and pain.

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The Process




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functional pathology for gut problems

Image courtesy Nutripath labs

Image courtesy Nutripath labs

Functional testing for the gut!

Technology has come a long way we now have access to gut tests that give us significant information.

You can get a breakdown of what’s in your gut from:

Good bacteria

Bad bacteria


Inflammatory markers



and the list goes on.

Gut mapping has changed the way we look at digestive issues and has given us insights for individualised care that helps with longer term health.

While the testing isn’t essential it can be helpful in long standing chronic gut conditions. Book a call to find out more.





What is naturopathy?

This is an umbrella term that cover several modalities like: Western Herbal Medicine, Nutritional therapy, Homeopathy and Yoga Therapy.

There is now much scientific evidence to support the use of complementary medicine to bring about more balance in the body and mind.

How long will it take to see improvements?

This really depends on how chronic and long standing your health issues are. Generally speaking you will start seeing some symptomatic relief within 4-6 weeks.

What kinds of conditions do you commonly see in your clinic?

IBS, IBD, diverticulitis, Crohns disease, SIBO, parasitic infections, helicobacter pylori, gallstones, pepetic ulcer disease, gastro oesophageal reflux, liver insufficiency, hepatitis, dysbiosis, and or any of the other digestive issues.

Do you prescribe FODMAPS or elimination diets?

When it's indicated yes, but you're unique, the best treatment for you is not necessarily the best treatment course for the next person.

I'm here to develop a customised approach, which is why taking a thorough case history in our first visit is so important, understanding your genetics, your lifestyle, and unique symptom picture.

Who would benefit from this form of therapy?

Most of my clients are stuck, they may have tried other solutions and not much has worked for them so far. They want to see a shift in their health and wellbeing and are motivated to make the changes necessary to feel better.

This is not a magic bullet, you will need to actively participate in making some changes to your health, and lifestyle.

How do I book my sessions?

If you're brand new to my clinic it's essential you book in for a 15 minute phone call with me so that we can meet and see that we're on the same page.

From here we can then book an initial consultation.

Where are the sessions conducted?

You have a choice of two options:

Online consultations via secure Telehealth video conferencing. You will be emailed the link there is no need to download any software simply click on the link on any device and we're away!

Face to face sessions are available in Potts Point.

Do you conduct pathology testing?

Depending on the condition and concerns I do often refer for functional pathology testing, so that we can get more information on what’s currently affecting your gut health.

I also conduct food sensitivity testing to gain a better idea of potential foods that are causing an issue for you.

How much will the pathology testing cost?

It varies from test to test, if you're content to work in conjunction with your G.P. some tests may be covered by medicare and I often refer clients back to their family doctor for additional support on this front.

Tests range from $60-$450. Functional testing isn't always essential as we can gain a lot of information through your history and symptoms.

How much are the sessions?

One hour consultation= $160

Four healthcare sessions= $440

Can I claim on my private health cover?

You need to check with your private health cover on this one.

Is it possible to heal my gut completely?

The body is always looking to heal itself, naturopathic medicine supports your body's own healing processes and in doing so you will see improvements continue to build over time.

This is not a magic bullet approach to gut health, you will likely need to make some changes to your diet and lifestyle also.

How will I get my herbal medicine and supplements

These are posted out to you within days of your consultations and delivered to your door.

Are my skin issues linked to my gut?

Gut health is key to the health of the rest of your body, and so many of my patients struggle with both gut and skin issues. The gut is the centre of your universe, once we get the gut functioning a little better we start seeing other health issues improve.

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