Hair Mineral Analysis- HTMA
What a hair mineral analysis test can reveal & who needs one?
What is a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA):
Essentially it is similar to a biopsy in that you’re taking a small amount of body tissue (hair) and assessing it for the mineral components present.
A HTMA is a snap shot of the minerals that have been stored in the hair over a set period of time. Why don’t you simply look at minerals in the blood you ask?
Blood is a transport mechanism and can change daily think of it like a highway, we know that the body prioritises blood and you can have blood readings that appear very normal for different minerals however once you look at a hair sample which is a storage site for toxic metals as well as essential minerals you can see a different picture.
You can think of hair more like a car park the body reserves both wanted and unwanted products in hair.
Blood is generally protected by the body as it’s essential for the transport of key nutrients and waste. Your hair can show signs of imbalance before it’s evident in blood samples.
What can a hair analysis test tell you?
Here’s a short list on some of the areas a HTMA can offer insights on:
Long term metabolic function in your body- Energy production.
Thyroid function
Fertility- or risks to fertility and reproductive health
Adrenal fatigue and chronic stress
Mental health issues/ risks of (copper dysregulation)
Risk of hormonal imbalance
Risks to brain function- Poor concentration/memory/ learning/ disruptive behaviour
Occupational or environmental exposure to toxic metals
Risk of headaches and migraines
Blood sugar regulation issues- Magnesium and Chromium.
Nutrient deficiencies (very common due to over farming and poor diets)
Worth noting here that if your deficient in certain essential minerals your health may be at risk.
With some studies showing that up to 75% of us aren’t getting enough Magnesium and that’s only one of the many minerals we need to ensure optimum health.
This is one of the main reasons why this test is run on all of my clients prior to our first session together. It provides a key starting point and can direct us on further tests needed or potential gaps that need to be addressed in getting you feeling better.
The information that can be gained from this one simple and affordable test is key in helping to get results fast.
Hair Analysis Test For Essential Minerals
Assessing essential minerals which are often low or deficient in the diet is a key component of the HTMA
Courtesy of Inter-clinical Laboratories
In the above sample graph you can see the essential minerals and the amounts present for this individual. Copper you can see is in excess and while an essential mineral too much can contribute to several issues.
We’re now seeing more data on the mental health impacts of copper, it binds to GABA which is considered a calming neurotransmitter in the brain, and so addressing excess is important if anxiety or depression is an issue.
Copper also has an impact on oestrogen and oestrogen related conditions, like heavy periods and PMS. Another reason why this is a fundamental test for anyone hoping to address fertility.
It has also been linked to hair loss and chronic fatigue.
Also evident on the panel is zinc which is essential for healthy function of immune system function, metabolism and healing in the body addressing a deficiency in this mineral is also important for male fertility and sperm health.
Low levels of magnesium in the body has been linked to an increase in headaches, migraines and muscle tension and spasm. Along with its role in blood glucose regulation in the body it’s an important one to look at.
Understanding where your essential mineral levels are in the HTMA can help with directing dietary changes, and the prescription of different nutraceuticals to ensure optimum health. Making sure that you’re getting the essentials and avoiding deficiencies.
Of course if you have a chronic health condition, understanding how your nutritional status is contributing is also valuable.
Heavy Metals In Hair
Let’s talk about the minerals which we’re hoping to avoid.
One of the panels you’ll find on your HTMA is a toxic elements panel:
As you can see in the image this panel looks at some of the toxic elements that can impact health and wellbeing.
These minerals have no place in the body and in some cases can actually get stored up in different body tissues like the brain as is the case with mercury, potentially increasing the risk of dementia and alzheimers.
Some toxic metals can replace healthy minerals like calcium in the bones which lead is known to do. Leading to premature degeneration and pain in the joints.
Unfortunately some of these heavy metals are very common in our environments. With some clients surprised that they’ve ever been exposed.
Please note you don’t have to work with toxic chemicals to have a high amount in your system.
One of the most common ways we see these heavy metals enter the system is through mother to baby in utero (during pregnancy) and of course through breast feeding.
Our food supply- not limited to fish but if you’re consuming fish 2-3 times weekly this is definitely a test you want to consider.
Let’s look at some of the conditions that have been linked to a high exposure to heavy metals:
Elevated levels of toxic metals have been linked to:
Impaired energy production in the body leading to lethargy and exhaustion, among other issues.
Degeneration of nerve fibres, linked to pain in limbs, visual sensory disturbances, motor disturbances.
Headaches, rashes and emotional disturbances.
Thyroid and adrenal gland issues as it can accumulate in these glands which can then result in a number of imbalances.
Displacement of Calcium and potassium leading to arthritis, osteoporosis, neuromuscular diseases.
Fertility issues, miscarriage and endometriosis and PCOS
Chronic anaemia
Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s and MS
Developmental disorders
Depression and anxiety
Muscle spasms
Cancer- Cadmium is a listed carcinogen, so is nickel and arsenic
Intestinal lesions and inflammation.
It’s important to run the hair mineral test to find out if heavy metals are contributing to your health issues, it’s not uncommon for these heavy metals to sit in body tissues for years before symptoms or issues arise.
What if I have heavy metals in my hair mineral analysis?
It’s not all doom and gloom, you can safely work to reduce the toxic metals in your body.
Once you know what’s present in the system you can get to work on safely removing these through the proper application of nutraceuticals and anti-oxidants and dietary protocols.
Most important identifying possible contributing factors can help avoid future exposure as much as possible.
Retesting 6-8 months after your initial test is useful for checking how your progressing and maintaining a benchmark.
How to do a hair mineral analysis?
It’s very simple and straight forward.
You need clean, uncoloured hair, the most recent growth so getting as close as possible to the scalp is ideal. Taken from the very back of the head.
Only one gram of hair is needed so not much at all.
It’s a very affordable at the time of publishing this post the test is approximately $130
Online Naturopath
Once you’ve booked your initial appointment with me and filled out your client intake form I will send you a referral for your HTMA so that you can send off your sample and the results back prior to your first session with me.
During that first call we will go over your HTMA results and take a thorough health history so that we can identify the main areas of focus.
You will then be given a protocol that is individualised and based on your current concerns and results.
It’s important to test and not guess as you can spend years and a significant amount of money trying different approaches without getting anywhere with your health.
If you’d like more information on the one to one naturopathic sessions please head across to this page.
Alternatively you can fill out the form below and request an appointment time.