Winter Health & Yoga Weekend Retreat - NSW

Yoga Barn at Curraweena House- Where our yoga classes will be held.

Join Me For a Relaxing Weekend Retreat in NSW

Have you been struggling to find the time to focus on your health and wellbeing, daily stress and overwhelm can take it’s told on your health, without taking time out and respite we can end up tired and frazzled.

Taking time out of your usual routine is vital for health and wellbeing, shifting your nervous system into a rest and digest (parasympathetic state) state means your body can start to heal and revitalise.

Let’s break the patterns of the constant day to day doing that can lead to restlessness and anxiety and slip into a state of calm.

This weekend is being hosted to give you the space and time that’s often impossible to get in the hustle and bustle of city living.

Unwind Yoga & Health Retreat

When: Friday 19th August from 3pm till Sunday 21st 12 noon

Where: Curraweena House- Kurrajong- 70 minutes from Sydney.

*Note- All images on this page are taken on the property where the retreat will be held.

All you need to do is leave a non-refundable deposit of $200 to secure your spot!…

What’s included?

Twin Share accomodation

Delicious Vegetarian- Vegan meals provided by Tenille Evans.

Daily yoga classes and meditation sessions appropriate for all levels including beginners.

Health & Wellbeing sessions on learning how the mind directly impacts physical health and how to ensure stress is kept at bay for better health.

What will the schedule be for the weekend?

All sessions, and meals are optional so you have the freedom to do what feels right for you, whether you need a sleep in or time alone in peace and quiet this weekend is yours. All sessions will be appropriate for absolute beginners. No experience is required to attend the retreat.

While we won’t be doing this pose… this is the yoga barn where we’ll be practicing.

Friday- 19th August

3pm Arrive any time onwards

5pm- Restorative yoga session

6pm- Dinner is served

7pm onwards free time to sit in front of the fire- read a book, rest.

Saturday- 20th August

7.30am Morning yoga and mindfulness session

8.30am Breakfast

9.30am Free time for a bush walk to the look out- reading- local markets- a pre-booked relaxation massage (additional cost) on the property or a one to one session with Krystle (additional cost)

12 noon Lunch

1.30pm Presentation session on health and well-being.

2.30pm Free time- maybe a nap.

5pm Afternoon yoga session.

6.30pm Dinner is served

9pm Yoga philosophy discourse on the power of the mind.

Sunday- 21st August

8am- Yoga Session- Suitable for all levels

9am- coffee small breakfast

10am- Pack up/ free time for a walk etc

11am- Brunch is served

12 noon- Say your goodbyes

Will I feel at ease and supported?

The group will be limited in numbers with around 10 people in attendance. Communal areas will be designated for quiet time so that there is a peaceful and reflective ambiance on the property.

This helps to ensure that everyone gets their needs for the weekend met. If you want to get social there are ample little excursions, walks, and outside areas where you can visit and get socialising. More info on this below.

This also means the classes and structured sessions will allow for plenty of questions and guidance on health, wellbeing, your yoga practice and of course for seeking specific one on one support.

If you would like a massage during your stay please specify this at time of booking as I will ensure it’s organised for you with the therapist coming to the property. (Please note this is an additional cost, I can give you prices on inquiry)

What else can I do on my weekend retreat?

There is a long list of great bush walks that you can take in the area.

Head to the Saturday morning markets at Bilpin located at the Bilpin Community Hall (15 minute drive up the road)- The baker does wonderful sour dough and the local farmer sells his produce like pumpkin, potato, apples, kale, persimmons and then there are some treats like Quince Paste. The baker sells out by about 11am, and his sourdough and fruit loaf are special.

Continue another 10-15 minutes drive up the mountain to Mt Tomah Botanic Gardens. Entry is free. The view is uplifting and stunning. You can walk down into the gardens which I recommend - it is only about 1km. It is a cool climate, so do bring a scarf and warm jacket so you can enjoy the view and wander. It is not too taxing but you'll get some exercise and mountain air.  

On your way back home, down the mountain The Grumpy Baker is popular. I highly recommend the Apple Turnover there. They do a great spinach and ricotta triangle. 

Along this road there are some apple orchards - If you want to grab some freshly picked apples - Bilpin is the place for this.

Finally, pop into the Cider Cellar Doors along Old Bells Line of Road. Hill Billy Cider and Bilpin Cider are both along the way. Don't make the mistake of buying the wrong cider only to get home and find it to be non-alcohol. They are well sign posted. So pick your poison.

From the house you’re able to easily travel into the Blue Mountains and explore, it really is up to you to enjoy the adventures or stay in with a tea, a book and the fireplace.

What do I bring to the retreat?
Inevitably there is always the question of what to bring… with this one you could get away with bringing yourself and your warm clothes. However using your own mat and props is most hygienic. However the Barn does have ample props. August is cold… while the house is heated and there is also a fireplace, bring woollens, if your cold sensitive a heat pack, and layers.

If you’re adamant on bringing snacks there is no judgement, if it’s chocolate you bring beware you’ll probably have to share it with me!

Who is facilitating this weekend retreat?

Krystle will be conducting all classes and presentations over the weekend.

As a qualified yoga therapist and naturopath I’m very passionate about facilitating weekends that hold space so you can gently explore.

My wish for this particular weekend is to provide some insights into using yoga as therapy and the role the mind plays in health, well-being and beyond.

You’ll walk away from this weekend with tools that help you shift from that place of overwhelm and ‘doing’ to a place of ease and intuitive ‘being’.

Tenille Evans will be catering for this weekend- She is amazing! You can find out more about her here.

There will be an amazing and very experienced massage therapist attending the house on Saturday so you can slip into the massage room and continue to


Booking the weekend health and yoga retreat

Cost= $750 all inclusive for the weekend

$200 deposit is required to secure your spot. This payment is made via a bank transfer. Please email me via the contact form below with your request for a spot on the weekend and I will send through bank details.

Remaining $550 due one month out from the retreat date (19th July)

To secure your spot please fill out the form below and let me know how many spots you’d like to secure and I will send the relevant information for making a deposit.

If you have any other questions about the retreat please don’t hesitate to contact me or 0415 091 855.

I currently have only 2 spots left on this one.

Can’t wait to see you there Krystle x