Long COVID and Chronic Fatigue- The Reactivation of Epstein-Barr Virus


A recent study conducted in Switzerland has stated that there’s a potential association between the COVID-19 illness and a reactivation of the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) commonly known as glandular fever.

We know that one of the concerns with glandular fever is the progression to chronic fatigue syndrome and longer term issues with health.

There is a significantly high prevalence of persistent symptoms seen after the resolution of the acute illness in COVID-19 this research article states it as high as in 30% of cases.

We know that long COVID symptoms include; fatigue, brain fog, sleep difficulties, arthralgia, pharyngitis, myalgia, headaches, fever, Gut upsets, skin rashes and other symptoms. To find out more about long haul COVID and how to improve your health outcomes head across to this post.

Can COVID reactivate Glandular fever?

According to this study which looked at patients diagnosed with long COVID and found that 67.7% were positive for EBV reactivation. compared to the 10% of the control group.

We know that certain viruses lay dormant in the body and while the patient may be completely asymptomatic, given the right circumstances these viruses like EBV can become active again.

We see this in the herpes virus and here it appears that COVID-19 is providing just the ‘right’ situation for glandular fever to reactivate.

Clinically when we look at the symptoms associated with reactivation of the EBV we see that they’re very similar in fact almost identical to long COVID symptoms with the fatigue and brain fog being at the top of the list.

This is a concern because it may mean that we start seeing patients who are many years recovered from EBV and chronic fatigue syndrome and yet these issues rear their ugly head once again after having the COVID virus.

Glandular Fever and COVID what to look out for?

Also mentioned in this study was some of the less common symptoms, including skin lesions, tinnitus, and hearing loss, mainly neurological symptoms. It’s also been reported that a reactivation of the EBV is linked to cardiovascular issues such as myocarditis.

We need more studies in this area so that we’re able to get a clear idea on just how significant this link is and how we can best support patients.

Glandular Fever- COVID 19 & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


If you have a history of EB Virus and chronic fatigue syndrome associated with that virus and you’ve recently had SARS-CoV-2 please be mindful.

Enlist the help of your health care practitioners and start implementing support protocols now.

Key changes you can make:

Reduce inflammation- Avoid alcohol, smoking and also foods that are known to cause inflammation.

Start using natural anti-viral nutra-ceuticals like mushrooms and other herbal medicines

Look after your gut health- There is a strong link between COVID and gut function and so making sure this system is working well is key.

Don’t wait until you get the infection start proactively engaging with your holistic health practitioners to ensure you have everything you need should you get the virus. The sooner you commence supporting your immune system the better the outcomes with minimising long COVID.

Having myself suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after a EBV infection I know all too well just how challenging it can be to crawl out of that slump. This is where naturopathic and functional medicine excels.

To review the research article yourself you can head over to this link.

To find out more about online sessions with a naturopath head across to this page or book in a complimentary 15 minute phone call with me so I can answer your questions.