Menopause and low libido- where’s my sex drive gone?


Is menopause causing your low libido? A question many clients ask, is there a hormonal link? and more importantly what can be done to get things back on track?

Studies suggest that 20-40% of women report a decrease in their libido around the time of menopause.

During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone, which can lead to various physical and emotional changes. One common symptom experienced by many women during menopause is a decrease in libido or sex drive.

The decline in estrogen levels during menopause can affect sexual desire, arousal, and overall sexual satisfaction. Additionally, other factors such as fatigue, mood changes, vaginal dryness, and physical discomfort can contribute to a decreased interest in sexual activity.

If you're experiencing a low libido during menopause, it's essential to remember that this is a common and normal part of the transition for many women.

Now more importantly what can you do about the low libido?

If the decrease in libido is causing distress or negatively impacting your relationship, please bring it up in your next consultation with your naturopath we have many tools at our disposal to help you improve this aspect of your health, here is a list of things you can start implementing now to help you get started:

  1. Manage stress and fatigue: High stress levels and fatigue can negatively impact your libido. It’s often around perimenopause - menopause that we see an increase in anxiety and mood swings. You want to engage in stress-reducing activities such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies that help you relax. Prioritize sleep and ensure you're getting enough rest. There are studies that have shown herbs like lemon balm and passionflower can improve sexual appetite.

  2. Explore sexual wellness products: If you’re struggling with vaginal dryness, there are several compounds I use as a naturopath to help make sexual activity more pleasurable and less painful. Many of these I compound myself however you can find some natural products to help with dryness and discomfort. One of the applications researched to help is organic olive oil infused with fennel oil, which has been shown to improve the health of vaginal tissues and reduce tissue atrophy which we see happens with the drop in estrogen.

  3. Additionally, sex toys or other intimacy-enhancing products can help maintain sexual interest and enjoyment. It’s important to note that if you’ve been with your partner for a number of years it’s common for the desire to wax and wain, this might provide an opportunity to spice things up and try something new. Tackling a lost libido from multiple angles results in better outcomes. Open up the lines of communication with your partner and consider some small things you may be able to do together to re-ignite the flame.

  4. Consider any recent pharmaceuticals you’ve been prescribed- It’s around this time that many women are put on different medications, open up the lines of communication with your naturopath and GP about the possible side effects, a reduction of libido can be linked with SSRI’s and cholesterol medications and addressing this may go a long way to helping.

  5. Manage underlying medical conditions- If you have low thyroid function or some other hormonal or chronic inflammatory condition this may be tripping you up and decreasing your overall sex drive. While menopause can be a significant factor working with a naturopath to have some functional testing may assist you in getting a more complete health picture.

  6. Do sensual things that may not be sexual but will lead you to a greater sense of well-being and prowess- taking a warm bubble bath, buying some new lingerie, getting or giving a relaxing massage- without the expectation of sex, reading a raunchy novel. All of these things can reconnect you with your sensual self and may result in an increase in blood flow to the vagina, for many of my clients this simple step when implemented has a significant impact on improving libido.

How can a naturopath help with low libido?

Supporting your bodies own hormonal balance and production of progesterone and oestrogen. There are several herbal extracts that are known to have a gentle but notable impact on your bodies own production of these key sex hormones and therefore help lift your libido. Many ‘tonic’ herbs are also known to help increase libido like panax ginseng, wild yam, chaste tree and others. These might be used topically or orally and are generally compounded especially for you. Please note these herbs may be contra-indicated if you’re on certain pharmaceuticals. I strongly suggest you work with a naturopath and avoid over the counter prescriptions which might put you at risk.

If you have any questions or want to learn more please feel free to book in for a complementary phone call down below: