The gut clinic: A revolutionary new way to address IBS, constipation and other digestive issues

Chronic gut issues and IBS has a significant impact on your quality of life, with many long term sufferers struggling with social withdrawal and depression.

By the time most of my clients come into the clinic they’ve been struggling for years with digestive issues in many cases finding ways to simply manage.

70-80% of my gut clients have a secondary chronic health condition that is often not linked to their poor digestion, like mood disorders, hormonal imbalances, skin issues or chronic nutrient deficiencies. It’s been suggested that a healthy microbiome, if collected in its entirety from your gut would weigh as much as your brain, so your gut bugs are really like another organ…one that’s essential for good health.

It’s key to understand if you’re gut is compromised then many other body systems are going to suffer also. The last 20 years of research into the microbiome has see a deeper body of knowledge around gut health.

Is your IBS linked to other health issues?

Here I’ll take the time to discuss some of the basics around how I tackle digestive conditions but first let’s take a quick look at the link between your gut and general health.

Studies have shown the following conditions are strongly linked to chronic gut issues:

  • Autoimmune conditions including arthritis.

  • Anxiety and depression. Multiple books have been written on this subject to date.

  • Poor mood and memory

  • Skin, eczema, psoriasis and acne.

  • Endometriosis with a study showing a link between a bad bacteria in the gut and increased incidence of endometriosis.

  • Weight gain- Low amounts of a certain healthy bacteria called Akkermansia in those who struggle to maintain healthy weight.

  • Nutrient deficiencies- Issues with iron, calcium and other minerals due to poor gut function.

  • Up to two thirds of your immune system is located around your gut, so without a healthy gut your immune system is likely to suffer.

  • Fibromyalgia, and the list goes on.

Naturopaths have long known that you first treat the gut, in order to see improvements in other body systems. It’s been shown that many supplements and herbs are better utilised and absorbed by the body when the microflora in your gut are at optimum health.

If you’re struggling with multiple chronic health conditions it may be time to ask yourself the following questions.

  • Are you struggling with constipation or loose stools? You should be able to pass a stool without using a laxative daily.

  • Do you often have bloating or find yourself farting and burping a lot?

  • Do you have a feeling of pain or discomfort after eating? Acid reflux or indigestion?

  • Do you often feel nauseous or have a low appetite?

  • Do you often feel lethargic or low after eating?

If you have been diagnosed with IBS its helpful to note that this is not a specific disease per say but rather a cluster of digestive symptoms with an unidentified cause. It is something you can improve and even overcome with some help.

How can we help improve your gut function at the clinic?

Test where necessary

We have an amazing array of functional testing available to us now, that can provide insights into potential parasites, bacterial overgrowths and even a snap shot of how many of the good bacteria you have present in your gut. Using these tools help us get better outcomes in clinical practice and it’s as simple as collecting a small sample of poo!

How can we help with IBS, constipation and other digestive issues.

  1. Assess and address your current dietary habits, this often happens in our first session together, we spend the time taking a good look at what’s currently going in and also what you’ve previously tried, and assessing any potential food sensitivities that could be contributing to your digestive symptoms.

  2. Look at potential microbial imbalances- It’s not uncommon to see an overgrowth of certain bacteria or parasites in the gut, and understanding if you’re struggling with a nasty overgrowth is key. This is often why you may be yo-yoing with your symptoms. Without tackling this any improvements are often short lived.

  3. Implement researched pre and probiotics that may help reduce your IBS symptoms and constipation.

  4. Soothe and promote healing of the gut lining with the appropriate nutraceuticals. This is different depending on each individual person. In order to get results we need take a customised and personalised approach.

  5. Once you’re gut function has improved the final stage is to look at re-introducing some of the foods we may have initially eliminated as well as ensuring you’re getting all of the necessary nutrients from your diet. So that you can move forward with confidence knowing that you can manage your digestive health and minimise future flare ups.

    IBS doesn’t have to be a life long diagnosis

Your digestive system is a tube from end to end, it has its own ecosystem of good and bad bacteria and is a vital component of your health and longevity. Much of my approach centres around the rotation of different fibres both dietary and nutraceutical along with different strains of probiotics and microbiome modulating foods and herbs. Cycling the application of these can help with supporting the diversity and health of your gut lining.

Unfortunately because of our current environment, poor food quality, stress, chemical exposure, and extensive anti-biotic use and undiagnosed food sensitivities we are seeing an unprecedented assault on the digestive tract.

There’s no such thing as a one size fits all when it comes to gut issues, even within IBS there are several categories, consider working with a functional medical practitioner who can offer more insights. If you’d like more information on how I can help, please book yourself in for a complimentary 15 minute call below.