Hypnotherapy & Strategic Psychotherapy How Does It Work?


giving up or starting up?

You want to give up smoking, drink less, lose weight, stress less feel more confident and less anxious…Right?

The most fascinating this is that knowing doesn’t always equal doing, because you’re clever enough to know!

So why do you struggle to start doing the things you need to do and kick the old habits?

Why is knowing not enough to drive the changes you want?

The answer is simple really…

You’re not a robot, driven by logic and statistics, you’re an emotional being and a huge part what you do is driven by your unconscious mind. That part of you that is wired to behave and react sometimes in ways that aren’t particularly helpful or healthy.


It’s called being human!

The great thing about this is that you’re not flawed or broken. You simply need to develop new patterns that will drive new behaviors that are more conducive with what you want.

This is where hypnotherapy shines.

What is clinical hypnosis?


Hypnosis has been described as a state of focused attention. A state in which individuals are disassociated from many of the things that often distract them, and where they are a little more suggestible to new ideas and thought patterns.

When hypnosis is used within a clinical setting it’s applied to encourage health and wellbeing for clients who might be struggling with things like:

  • Pain

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety

  • Performance anxiety

  • Lack of Confidence

  • Depression

  • Addictions- Eating, alcohol, cigarettes

The quality of your life is dictated by the quality of your decisions

The above is just a short list of some of the mental and physical health issues that hypnosis can offer support with.

What we know about clinical hypnosis is that it is most effective when it’s applied in conjunction with another form of psychological therapy.


As in my own case I completed my hypnotherapy study in conjunction with strategic psychotherapy. The combination of these two allow my clients to find new strategies and processes that can help them move beyond some of their struggles.

This goes beyond just advice and really looks to forming new thought patterns and understandings of the strengths you already have.

When hypnosis is applied within a clinical setting all of the existing principles and ethical requirements of that particular patient practitioner relationship still apply.

What is Strategic Psychotherapy?


As a form of therapy strategic psychotherapy aims to bring the client to a point of understanding and new skills and processes that are beneficial in combating the issues that they might be struggling with.

One of the main principles of strategic psychotherapy is that our stories are our conscious minds attempt to explain what our unconscious mind is doing.

This is where many of our issues begin, if we take for example binge eating a whole block of chocolate, we know logically that it’s not healthy. 

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So why do we still binge on the whole block? If education and logic was enough why do we still struggle with the behaviour?

There is a clear disconnect between the conscious and unconscious mind.

If we look at a few of the other approaches in psychology which involve long periods of time discussing and explaining the situation and the problem strategic psychotherapy is in many ways the opposite of that. 

We won’t be digging into your past and looking for answers.

Simply understanding the story around the problem won’t necessarily fix it, to experience change in most cases you’ll need to do something differently. You need a new process. A new way of viewing, and responding to the problem.


Some people feel that for the most part issues come from a deep fundamental flaw in themselves or their past. In strategic psychotherapy, there is simply a lack of distinction. There is a process you haven’t learnt that would better equip you to cope and even thrive within the problem space. 

Strategic psychotherapy aims to identify some of the exisiting patterns and look at remodelling those as well as calling on your existing resources and skills that you have and maybe even developing new patterns that will be more helpful.

Patterns of Thinking & Behaving 


For many of us we’ve been taught that we have significant events that occur in our life and these events shape us. There is truth in this, our experiences and relationships absolutely shape how we see and experience the world.

But is this the whole truth?

If we look at a single event with 10 people present, all in the same room at the same time with the same events unfolding.

The next day all 10 people will have a different story around what happened at the event the night before. They all experience the event through their own filters.

The way we interpret things and our coping style commonly referred to in strategic psychotherapy as your cognitive style will determine how you experience life and the issues you struggle with.

Building New Skills And Traits

Some of what we’ll do together is figure out where are your gaps in skill sets and processes.

Most of our actions and beliefs occur at the unconscious level. 

There are finer distinctions that go into getting better outcomes, in life knowing how to work your way through situations with clear and useful approaches.

What Happens During A Hypnosis Session?

First we spend some time discussing your history and concerns as well as any goals.

I also take the time at this point to work through some of the key areas we will need to focus on in order to achieve long term results and make sure we’re on the same page. This is very individualised, you set the pace and sessions are centred around what you want to achieve.

We then move into the actual hypnosis, which generally takes all of 20-30 minutes. In this time the session is recorded so that you have the recording to refer back to.

There is generally a small amount of homework that needs to be completed after each session.


how much are hypnotherapy sessions?

Sessions are $200 for an hour

For the month of March we have a special offer for brand new clients your first session is only $99

Submit your details and we’ll get back to you to organise a time.

All sessions are run online via a secure Telehealth video call.

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Krystle Alves