Hypnotherapy For Anxiety


How can clinical hypnotherapy help with Stress and anxiety?

If you visit the Beyond Blue website you will see their documented statistics on mental health in Australia and it may surprise you to know that one in four Australians will experience an anxiety condition in their lifetime.

I personally think that this is an underestimate due to the event of COVID in 2020 and a lack of reporting by many who struggle for fear of judgement or who are simply resigned to the attitude of “just push through and get on with it!”

We know that stress and anxiety can also compound over time if we’re not putting proper processes in place to reduce the load on the system it will manifest as imbalances in the physical body as well… and clinically I end up seeing clients in my clinic who are struggling with:

  • Chronic pain & inflammation

  • Insomnia

  • Adrenal exhaustion

For many stress plays a significant role in these and many other health conditions.


The long term effects of stress and anxiety

There is virtually no system in your body that is not impacted by the stress response. When you’re under pressure you shift into what’s called a sympathetic Nervous System state, your fight or flight mode.

When you’re calm and relaxed you shift into parasympathetic mode this is referred to as your rest and digest state.

Take a look at this table and see the long term impacts of each state on some of your cognitive and physical functioning.

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Can Hypnotherapy Help With Anxiety?

An article published in the International Journal of Clinical and experimental Hypnosis in 2019 looked at 17 studies.

It was a meta analysis that looked at 17 previous studies on the effectiveness of Hypnotherapy for anxiety and the conclusions were significant!


The data showed:

“The average participant receiving hypnosis reduced anxiety more than about 79% of control participants.”

Over the longer term the average participant treated with hypnosis improved more than about 84% of control participants.

Also key to note here is that hypnosis was even more effective when combined with other psychological interventions than when used alone.

These are significant results and considering they took into account a significant number of research articles its encouraging for anyone struggling to find some peace of mind amongst the angst and fear of this current political and economic climate.


The Powerful Combination Of Strategic Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy. How Does It Help With Anxiety?

There are many different approaches even within clinical hypnotherapy, the combined approach of strategic psychotherapy and hypnotherapy is one of the most effective. For a number of reasons:

Reason #1
It’s a very proactive approach in that we lead clients to the outcome or results. This makes it a brief therapy.


Reason #2
This approach is not about long term talk therapy but instead we look beyond the stories of the conscious mind and find resources that you have to move beyond the stress and anxiety.

Reason #3
Understanding why the problem exists very rarely resolves it. The combination of Strategic Psychotherapy and hypnotherapy seeks to educate and encourage new behaviors and patterns, that will see long term results in the problem area.

Reason #4
This method is extremely helpful in establishing the processes required for you to let go of some of the key elements of stress and anxiety. Working on things like your intolerance for ambiguity, your focus on external factors determining your emotional state, internal orientation and other factors that contribute to the stress and anxiety.

Reason #5
Building skills and knowledge to fill in the gaps where you’re struggling.

In comparison to some of the traditional approaches in hypnotherapy where it’s more of a one size fits all with the use of scripts and a lack of process and skill building. This traditional approach tends to have short term results or very limited results in comparison to the marriage of strategic psychotherapy and clinical hypnotherapy.


Finding A Hypnotherapist To Help With Your Stress & Anxiety

If you need to know what to look for to find a well qualified clinical
head across to this article for more info.

If you want help with your anxiety please organise your complimentary
20-minute call so that we can see if we’d make a good team.

You deserve to wake up every morning feeling happy, healthy and
confident to face whatever the day has to throw at you.

Krystle Alves