Learn Yoga Online at Home



The answer to this question is absolutely yes!

MANY YOGA BEGINNERS HAVE STARTED THEIR YOGA PRACTICE through both recorded and live online yoga classes ever since the lockdown started in march 2020. maybe it was just boredom, but some beginners motivated themselves to start their yoga classes from home.

Like with anything, if you want to see results you need to have a strategy! A plan of attack. There are some yoga beginners who learn yoga online effectively, yet there are those who really just struggle to get going with it.

In full class yoga video, I'm going to cover how to learn yoga online at home, give you the tools and tips that my students who successfully learn yoga online, apply.

There are some really common pitfalls that most people fall into, and I want you to avoid these. So let's take a closer look at how to best learn yoga at home online.

Set-up a Yoga Routine

The one thing most of us struggle with is consistently showing up for a yoga class. Life is so busy and there are so many distractions and chores that seem important. so it is important for you to get into a regular routine and stick to it!

I would highly suggest you try and carve out the same time on the same day to actually do your yoga practice and make it something that becomes just part of your daily routine. Once it's part of your routine. You're more likely to actually show up on the mat and stay committed a long term. And that's really key to getting the results we want regular practice. And just while I'm on this note, once a week is plenty!

There's research that shows that once a week will absolutely move the needle. So I don't want you to get too caught up in your head that you have to be doing it X amount of times a week, and then really beating up on yourself. That's not going to help you. We want to celebrate small wins. So once a week, even if that's all you can manage right now, but I want you to set that time aside, book it into your diary, into your calendar, set a little reminder, and that'll get you going and consistent.

Setup a Yoga Space

The second thing I want to share with you about finding some success with learning yoga online at home is getting into a little yoga ritual. Now, what do I mean by this?

Maybe you set your mat up in the same place. Every time you practice, maybe you have a special yoga candle or incense or oil burner or essential oil or some sort of little routine that you go about getting yourself set up for your practice.

This is a fabulous way to actually start calming the nervous system down. Getting your body and your mind prepared for your yoga practice. It becomes something that's enjoyable. It becomes something that's special and it becomes “you” time. And this is really, really important because for the most part, we all really struggled to get very present and really prepare ourselves is very rushing, rushing, rushing through the day. And then all of a sudden yoga just becomes another thing that we need to tick off the list.

And so setting up a little ritual and really organizing your space and organizing your time, it becomes something that is it's really sacred for you. And so that's what I want to encourage you to do set up your little yoga space so we can get going.

Learn All of the Yoga Basics Online First

Third thing I want to cover with you. As far as getting started to learn yoga online at home is getting the foundations down part. So this is key because even if you've been going for some time and you've started and stopped your practice several times.

It's important that you've got a really, really good foundation that you we've had all of the essentials explained to you that you've had the chance to actually understand where your body is right now. And so doing some sort of beginner’s course is really key. Now I want you to listen to me, even if you've been going for 6 to 12 months, I want you to do a beginner's course with someone who's really experienced and who will explain everything to you so that you can actually get the basics mastered.

What happens for a lot of students. I see it all the time, both in the studio and online is that they move in leaps and bounds. They throw them selves into intermediate classes or advanced classes, and they don't really have that bases that keeps their body ones. Safe. And two is going to ensure that they get maximum progress out of their classes. And so this is key, please.

If you take nothing else away from this, I need you to do a really, really good solid yoga basics or yoga beginners or yoga foundation course with a very experienced teacher who can break it all down for you and explain it, or really concisely. It'll help.

Setup Your Technology

The next thing I want to cover for you on your journey to learning yoga online at home is getting your technology sorted. Now this one can take a little while. There are a number of factors here. One, you might be able to connect into a big screen so you can actually see everything really effectively. But the most important thing is the audio is you really want to be able to hear and it's different for everyone.

All of my students work with different technologies some of them use the wireless headphones connected to their laptop, and they don't necessarily need to see a big visual. They like to hear more than they see. Other students, projected onto a massive screen, which is a little bit scary for me but, um, they have very visual your learners. So they like to see it projected really nice and big.

Then of course also the angle at which you're placing your technology is important as well. So if you are referencing the screen, just make sure that in your yoga practice, you're not in a position where you're having to crank through your neck to look at this screen as well.

So these little things are important. What you'll find in my classes is that I have very, very solid, verbal cues. So you can almost close your eyes for the entire class and just listen to my instructions as opposed to having to see me visually.

Of course, there are also some tutorial videos in there where you can sit down and actually watch those tutorials. Move through them and learn from them, which is also massively helpful.

So you want to get your technology sorted, find out what you're going to use to actually absorb this information, to take these classes and how you're going to set it all up.

Atten Live Yoga Classes Online

The final thing I want to share with you and quite possibly the most important thing is to show up live whenever you can.

So maybe live yoga classes online don't necessarily work with your schedule right now. That's fine, but you can only make one live class a month. But you want to make sure that every now and then you’re attending a live session.

It's why on my platform, I do a combination of recordings and live sessions because when I can see you in a live session, I can give you direct feedback. I can actually support you with direct and modifications. Maybe there's something you're stuck with, maybe you're finding there's a part of your body, that's not responding. That's not moving in a certain way. That's something you can cover in a live session.

So this is the value in actually carving out that time. Occasionally, like I said, it might only happen every now and then, because I know you're busy, but whenever you can please show up, live.

The other beautiful thing about showing up live is the community, knowing that there are loads of other people out there that are also practicing and that are also struggling with very similar things. So it's so valuable.

It's one of my favorite, favorite things about teaching online is actually getting to see you move and breathe. So, If you ever want to pump into a live class,. You know where to find me, jump on the platform and join me!

I hope that video was really helpful. The key thing I want you to take away now is that yoga is for everybody and there's a practice that's suitable for everybody and you can do it online very successfully.

In fact, it's such a convenient way to practice and to stay on track. So go ahead. Check out the platform have a look around. I would so love to have you as part of the community and in there with me on the mat, moving and breathing. I see you soon.


I’ll see you on the mat. Kx

Krystle Alves