Nutritionist Sydney- Take The Guess Work Out Of What To Eat- With DNA Testing

The most common questions I get asked as a nutritionist;

What should I eat?

Should I go gluten free, dairy free, FODMAPS?

Maybe I need to go, plant based, low carb, paleo or keto?

Which diet will help me lose the weight around the middle?

How do I eat to avoid deficiencies? Do I already have a deficiency?

Chronic illness runs in my family how can I avoid it with diet and lifestyle?

If you’ve got one or some of the above questions you’re in the right place.

Why gene testing is the game changer when it comes to knowing how and what to eat?

Your body is unique- no two bodies are the same, you have your own genetic make up, that impacts how your body processes and utilises food and nutrients.

Your genes influence things like;

  • Lactose intolerance

  • Gluten intolerance

  • Predisposition to insulin resistance

  • General need for folate and B12

  • General need for iron

  • Generally how much protein, carbohydrate and fat your body needs

  • Nutrients need to help your liver function

  • Your metabolic rate and so much more.

    The DNA test report is over 200 pages of personal insights helping to formulate your individualised dietary needs.

    Please note that in our first session together a detailed case history is taken so that I can gather information on your daily requirements and lifestyle impacts on your nutrition also.

It’s the marriage of both the DNA testing and your unique health history can goes into better nutritional planning and counselling.

What my clients have to say about their experience…

“ I have always struggled with my weight, by the time I got to see Krystle I was pretty desperate.

All the things that use to work to keep the weight down, now weren’t. She was so patient and gentle with me, but initially I wasn’t sure she could help me, I had tried everything, even meds from my GP.

When we went through my DNA report I realised everything I had ever done with my diet was the opposite to how my body was wired, and after the results I felt like Krystle had me eating more!
It took some time but after 4-6 weeks the weight started coming off. The testing is something we still go back too in our sessions.”- Jen Pengelly.

How does it work?

  1. Book a complementary phone call.

  2. If we’d make a good team you’ll be given the opportunity to book an initial appointment.

  3. A referral for your comprehensive DNA test will be sent (it’s a mouth swab very easy and pain free)

  4. Results are in! We go through them together, we’ll discuss key foods to increase, limit or eliminate for better health and well-being according to your lifestyle and genetics.

  5. You can start seeing the benefits of eating for your unique make up.

“After having two kids I was constantly wiped out.

My hair loss was keeping me up at night panicked. After going through all of my general tests Krystle recommended we run the DNA report. It was the best $240 I’ve spent on my health to date. The information we got blew me away. The changes we’ve made with my diet have me feeling significantly better. I’ve recommended her to all of my loved ones”- Fran Taylor

Hi I’m Krystle!

I’m a nutritionist & naturopath, I’ve been in clinical practice for over 19 years. When I’m not seeing clients I’m lecturing at Endeavour college supporting the next wave of practitioners, or studying for my Masters In Advanced Naturopathic Medicine.

My own health journey started with a huge struggle with chronic fatigue syndrome and a diagnosis of IBS and endometriosis. I worked largely with nutritional and naturopathic medicine to find my way back to health.

When I’m not obsessing over the latest functional medicine research I fancy myself a baker- and have been working on nailing sourdough… I have a little ways to go yet for the perfect loaf.

Shh don’t tell anyone… I love bread! 🤫

You are what you eat, but it’s clear there’s no such thing as a one size fits all when it comes to nutrition… What works for you is unique. Let’s put the puzzle that is your ‘ideal diet’ together so that you can experience more health and longevity. I’ll see you in clinic soon.

To learn more about our new Potts Point Clinic, click here.